
Custom Software Tools

Optimize your data analysis

  • Fully customized graphical interface
  • Interactive R-Shiny applications
  • Data visualization, simulation and report


Empower your team

  • State-of-the-art M&S techniques
  • Case studies from Industry
  • Hands-on modeling using open-source platforms (R, PK-Sim/MoBi)

Analysis (NCA)

• Powerful, cost-effective analysis
• Rapid readout of preclinical and early clinical data
• Produces standard PK parameters for decision making
• Submission-ready report and CDISC compliant PK data

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Population PK/PD

• Characterization of PK/PD variability across subject groups
• Covariate assessment (body weight, age, sex)
• Study design optimization
• Simulation-based dose recommendation

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Physiologically-based PK Modeling (PBPK)

• Animal-to-Human translational modeling
• Special populations (pregnancy, organ impairment)
• Evaluation of Drug-Drug Interactions
• Formulation optimization (release rate, route of administration)
• Virtual Bioequivalence studies

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Clinical Trial Simulation

• Customized Virtual Populations (age, disease status, ethnicity)
• Impact of unknown factors (variability, drop out, response)
• Probability of Trial success for different scenarios (sample size, target population, dosing regimens)

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Any other needs?

We will support all your quantitative analysis to inform your internal and regulatory decision-making processes.

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